
I Could Learn to Hate a Stifle

Stifles suck.

I hate them.

A few years ago, Bubba was diagnosed with Upward Fixation of the Patella or locking stifles. He popped when he walked. After much consultation with the vet, he went into Long Trot Boot Camp, at least a mile every other day. By the end of 60 days, he was in the best shape of his life. And the popping stopped.

And hasn't come back since, even with time off and discharge from Boot Camp.

Today, for some inexplicable reason, I decided to resurrect Long Trot Boot Camp and we did a mile around Harry's pasture. By the end of our mile, he wasn't blowing real hard. We walked a bit, loped some more circles and loped through the barrel pattern. Beautiful turns but he "lost his butt" coming out of the first and second barrels and crow hopped a little bit.


We immediately take off walking and I hear it. The pop. The pop that I thought had left us for good.


I got off and walked him in a circle around me and yup, there it is, that telltale lag in his stride.

Boo hiss boo.

Did I mention State Finals is next weekend? No time for the entirety of Long Trot Boot Camp.

I'm going to call SSHorsepower (Google them. Wonderful women.) and see if there's anything holistic I can do to get him through State and then it's back into LTBC for us. I WAS going to lay him off for a month or so after State but I don't know if that's such a good idea now.

At least I'll have great legs for the beach this summer.

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