

Folks I think we've had a breakthrough.

Went to a teeny tiny barrel race this morning. A friend of a friend put in a new arena and is trying to get established as a good place to hold barrel races so I decided to go lend my small support. (That and it is all of 5 miles from the house. Can't beat that with a stick.)

Remember the Funk I was in? It turns out my theory was right.

We ran in today (well, high loped in. The ground was wonky. Soft on top but hard hard hard pan on the bottom. I'd rather save his hocks than win $30 at a baby barrel race.) and I looked up and looked at my pocket and not at the barrel just like I'm supposed to. I've been practicing that all dang week. It's harder than I thought. I figured out that if I keep the first in my peripheral vision, we're in the right spot. He tried to step in once or twice but I used my outside rein and kept him lined up. The transition to turn was a little strange. He sets so stinkin' hard and I ride like the monkey on the border collie so we always feel a little weird. BUT! I got my hand out and


Just like that! One second we were looking at the fence, and the next we were pointed at the 2nd barrel. It's a miracle! That was our best first barrel in years.

I'm stoked.

The 2nd was funny. The place we were at raises longhorn cattle and they had some small ones in a pasture behind the first barrel. Poor Bubba spotted those things behind the 2nd barrel and tryed so so hard to duck off to the left. But, once again, Mr. Outside Rein kept him in line.

We ended up 3rd in the 4D and won our entry fee back. Our time wouldn't have placed us if we were at a bigger barrel race (2.3 seconds off) but I DON'T CARE! WE TURNED!

Can you hear the angels sing hallelujah?? I can!

O this feels so good.

So now we'll go on vacation on a positive note and come back in August well rested and ready to finally know what we need to do.

I'm so excited.

Brenda even said she was proud of me. I almost teared up.

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