
A Change of Pace

Today is a day of firsts. I got called a bleeding heart liberal for the first time in my life.

I know. Surprised me too.

Today on As the Barrel Horse World turns...

Someone posted a thread about how David Letterman should be fired for the off-color jokes he made about Sarah Palin's daughter. If you're like me and asleep by 10pm, YouTubes got everything.

...and o holy cow people went crazy. Fueled by the publicity grabbing by Sarah and Todd Palin.

Everything got blown out of proportion. I even saw one article refer to David Letterman as a mentally ill pedophile.

Really? Come on now.

Sarah Palin has become this Sacred Cow of the Republican party. And David Letterman, an outsider, picked on the Sacred Cow and they rose up in defense.

Wouldn't it have been, i don't know, classier, if the Palins had just let it drop? Why continue to encourage the gulf between the two sides of the aisle? What purpose does it serve beyond getting your face on TV?

David Letterman should probably have done a little more research but she should have let it go. Welcome to the public eye, Sarah.

Part of the reason I don't go in for political parties or espouse a certain ideology is I'm simply not happy with the Us vs. Them mentality that it creates. If you're not with us, you're against us. I don't think it works that way. I know a certain Democratic Representative from Florida who is more Republican than some of the Republicans!

*GASP!* How is that possible? Maybe because he approaches each problem with rational thought rather than ideologically.

I don't know. Maybe I'm naive but the more I look at things, the more it seems that the perceived gulf between Democrats and Republicans is really miniscule. The goal is the same. The difference is the approach.

I get really tired of the sniping, of the name calling, of the mud slinging, of the negativity.

I can think of more than a few off-color remarks made about Barach Obama. And guess what? I laughed at them too.

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