The ride went ok today. My saddle was rolling like a champ. I think all that hair he's shedding out is collecting under my pad and making it really slippery. I took the curry comb to it when I got home so hopefully it'll stick a little better tomorrow.
My riding was not great, partially due to the rolling saddle. I did shorten my reins a tisch and it seemed to help.
And, I must say, even Florida horses get Spring Fever. Bubba was amped today. We had to relearn how to lope a perfect circle without constantly speeding up. It was not pretty.
But, really, now that I think about it, aside from the saddle problem, it was a pretty typical ride for Bubba being off for so long (a week and a half is long for him. Lay him off two weeks and you will pay for it. Buck by buck by buck.) He was very heavy on the bit at first, dropping his shoulder and generally really attentive to everything but me. Once we long trotted out some of his extra energy and relearned speed control, he was much better.
I'm planning on riding again tomorrow after I get home from work. Will probably ride again Friday morning before we head out for Ed!
Have I mentioned I'm super super stoked for Ed??!! Can't wait.
And, thanks to Cowgirl Trends, we got some pretty bling to show off in Alabama. I'm not usually a real bling person but this is just enough to satisfy the girliness in me. And I love the way the rawhide turns down the bling a notch. Love it!

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