Got in from Branford last night at about midnight.
Our run was actually not THAT bad. We did improve some. I'm happy with our approach to the first barrel. That's our big improvement for the night. We did hit the third. I sat too soon.
I'm curious to get some BHW feedback on my video. I think Mr StudMuffin Bubba Face needs a hot date with Doc's injection needle. He was just done in October but, watching the video, he looks ouchy somewhere, especially around the first barrel when he kind of jumps out a stride. What do ya'll think?
Speaking of video, (It was still being processed at the time of this post so no guarantees on availability.)
My reins are way way too long and our run was slower than I wanted. Against the usual competition, it would have been a solid 4D run. The NBHA that was run there in January was won with a 14.6 and we would have been a 16.5. We lost a ton of time between the first and second and around the second. BUT WE DIDN'T OVERRUN THE FIRST BARREL! Not even a little bit! (For the record, I tried something that I watched in an Ed video on YouTube.) That part excites me to no end. Once I can get him finishing his turns, I'll encourage a little more speed I think. ;)
YAY Progress!!
It's amazing the advantages of video! I left the arena feeling really horrible. I thought we had blown out of the first a lot farther than we actually did and I thought our turns were much much stiffer than they actually were. (I did know we weren't moving all that fast.) But when I watched the video (love you Brion), I was pleasantly surprised. It's actually a big confidence builder that I don't suck as much as I thought.
For non-YouTube using people... the quality isn't as good. I'll try to fix it when I get home.
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