For a complete non-runner girl (at least not running on my own two sore tired feet), mileage takes on a different cast. A quarter of a mile for a time-tested runner is nothing, the work of a minute. But, for me, every quarter is a small victory. I never thought I would be able to run one quarter without sucking wind like a jet engine.
And, today, I made it through another one.
0.75 miles at 8:11/mile!!
And I'm pretty dang stoked about it!
Prior to today, my longest nonstop run (this is embarrassing) was half a mile. I've gone a lot farther cumulatively, walking and running, but I've never been able to go farther at a run. I have an overactive brain that we are slowly burning the lazy out. It's a process that I think might kill both me and Coach. We've got 20-some-odd years of habit to break!
Today, I showed up a little apprehensive. I knew today was our "long run." Basically, Coach turns me out at the Start Tree and I run until I can't go no' mo'. I've never made it past a quarter of a mile. My brain just won't shut up! (The half was on my own just to prove that I could.)
A mile is my current "small goal." It's like a chimera in the distance taunting me. I want it so bad. So, all day I've been playing motivational speeches in my head.
You've so got this. What's another half a mile? People do it all the time! It's only two more quarters. Just shut up and run!!
And, I think to a small extent, the all-day motivational seminar worked. I got around to my previous stopping point and played the "run to the tree, now run to that tree, now run to the corner" game until I made it to the final hill. I told myself that I was going to stop at the top.
It's a big hill! Cut yourself a break!
But stubborn Jessica showed up and we kept going. On around the corner and down the hill to the Start Tree. Thank God for that stubborn streak.
I couldn't wait to hit my iPod so the Voice would tell me what I did. 8:11 people!! That's faster than my goal of 8:30 (for my race in February!)!
Of course, true to form, I had an attack of the Should Haves while I was watering and resting. Should have gone a little farther, just one more quarter to that mile. The chimera continues to dance just out of reach. I could have gotten there!
But, I thought about it and you know what? I really don't care if I've could have gotten there. I don't really care if I could have done it. BIG DEAL! I'll get there! A month ago when I started this twisted little journey I never thought I would make it this far in under a 10:00 pace. Shoot, I never thought I'd make it this far period.
I'll get that mile, one step at a time.
Now I'm off to ice my left foot. Good night all.
(Did I mention I finally went ¾ of a mile??? O I did? Oops. Sorry.)
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