
Back in the Saddle Again!

Finally got to ride again yesterday. It's always so hectic when my week gets cut short by one day (we're leaving Friday morning to go back home for Easter). I worked from 8-8 Monday and probably should have done the same yesterday but I was ready to get on my pony.

I put my long reins on first and rode with those for a little while. For just "hacking around" they worked pretty good. Bubba tends to put his head down while we're long trotting and I'm ok with that. I can pick him up and collect him if I need to but the long reins let me stay out of his mouth so much and that is NECESSARY with the Pretzel.

We did walk through the pattern a few times, mostly for my benefit. I've started saying "1...2...3" around the barrel, marking my points and really trying to cement my hand position in my muscle memory. By the last time it was much better. I have to remember to drop my outside rein because I've noticed I have to tendency to move my left hand with my right and he doesn't need that outside rein support.

Still working on my hands elsewhere. I have to have to have to have to learn to give a little more with this Pretzel, especially when stopping from a lope. I noticed myself bracing against his mouth some and him throwing his head (which I would to if I was in his position). I know it stems from our earlier stopping issues. I don't believe he'll actually stop so I try to muscle him into it, even before I ask. It all comes back to being a little softer.

I'll get there.

Now for the things I did right! LOL! I read back on some old posts and noticed it's all negative things, what I did wrong, what I need to work on and while that's neccesary, my ego needs some stroking.

I'm happy with my hands around the barrel now. I'm happy with my ability to communicate with my horse. We're clearly a team and we work together well. He's my main squeeze and he knows it, the heifer cow.

In general, I think I ride well. I can lope beautiful circles and place his body wherever I need it to be.

I think Bubba is broke enough, for my purposes anyway. Frankly I don't want one I have to handle delicately cause they're so broke that I can't screw up. I need a little wiggle room and it's good that I recognize that.

I'm proud of myself that I'm finally taking the iniative and really focusing on improving. I know that if I work hard enough at home, that we'll have some success away from home.

So I just gotta keep working on it.

Next barrel race: Either May 2-3 for Tour of Champions Canterbury or May 9 NBHA in Blountstown

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