
Being an adult can suck it

Hello, my name is Jessica and I am financially responsible.

It sucks.

I've been saving my pennies for State Finals since I had to blow my tax return on joint injections and feed. I look forward to going every year and I love the social part of it. I get to see my friends from back home and spends lots of time with My Otha Motha. It's an adventure.

But, you see, the thing is, I never run well there.

I don't know if it's the wide angle of the first barrel or if I put so much pressure on myself to do really really really really well (ok so we all know it's the last one. Geez. Give a girl her delusions.) but, every single year, I turn in a crap run. We either blow out the first barrel like freaks or hit barrels.

I don't know if I'm just being a wuss but I've decided to save my money, take Brion on a vacation somewhere or help him buy a PS3, and just not go.

It's the smarter decision financially as well and I'll just go down in the much cheaper Hyundai and visit.

Damn it responsibility! You're cramping my style!!


Today is Monday and I am Tired

I am a good girl and I get a gold star for my Sunday activities.
Sunday, instead of lounging on my couch or going downtown to help Brion, I got in my little Hyundai and hit the road for…. Gainesville.

pause for shudder

Apologies to all my UF graduate friends but ya’ll have terrible taste in universities.

Anyway, the University of Florida has the only copy of the Monticello News on microfilm in the country. And I need it. Need it BAD. So, rather than argue with Interlibrary Loan, I just trucked on down there and spent 5 hours in front of a microfilm reader. The glamorous life of historical research.

The good news is that I actually got some really good sources down and scanned in. I still need to hit about 4 more years which probably means another research trip. I’ll have to make sure I’m up to date with my inoculations. Those Gators carry disease. ;)

On the horse front:
I haven’t really done much more than LONG TROT! Bubba is back in Weak Stifles Boot Camp and that means I’M back in Weak Stifles Boot Camp. We’re slowly but surely legging back up. And of course he’s in much better shape than I am. Stupid naturally athletic horse.

I did lope him through at Evil Twin Farms and o-my-goodness-gracious was it beautiful. And I have got the Itch. Bad.

Not the kind that requires Gold Bond powder.

Next barrel race: April 10th NBHA and BBHA. We’re pulling a double header if I can get an early enough number at the NBHA.


Taking over the world...

Photoshop just released a YouTube video of a feature that's probably going to be in CS5.

It's called Content-Aware Fill and it just blew my mind.

It's getting a little scary how much SMARTER computers are than the average human. They really are going to take over the world.



I am a dork.

I just found myself cussing at Internet Explorer because it was being its (typical) slow self.

And I laughed at this cartoon.... there is no hope...


Almost the Truth (The Lawyer's Cut)

I'd like to register a complaint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjOSLCR2hE

Cut, cut, cut, blood, squirt, artery, murder, Hitchcock, pyscho, blood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xToPCaNxaow

I'm sorry, is this the five minute argument or the full half hour?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM


Tuesday Musings

I was feeling sorry for myself when I started this post.

I was looking at old friend’s Facebook pages and how their lives have changed. Babies and men and marriage (sometimes divorce) and moves and careers and fun times had by all. And I was comparing myself to them and coming up short. The only big change in my life in the past several years has been my move up here. And that was almost 3(!!!) years ago. It hardly seems to count anymore.

But, then the Mama in me kicked in and I took a step back and a mental deep breath. Why on Earth am I comparing myself to anyone? I am awesome! (Remember what I said about my overly inflated ego?) But, irregardless of my complete awesomeness, the comparison still stands.

The only reason that the comparison matters is because I am bored. Bored with being in school, bored with thesis work, bored with being broke all the time, frustrated with being in this indefinite holding pattern.

I’m forcing myself to do something I don’t want to simply because “I’ve gone this far. Might as well keep on going.” And it’s true. And I know it. I’ve never had a whole lot of self-discipline and I’m having to acquire it the hard way.

Anybody want to write a thesis for me so I can get the heck outta grad school?

It’s time to count my blessings:
1. Brion: I don’t know what I did in this life or any past ones to deserve someone like him. He drives me crazy on a daily basis but there is no one on this planet that I would rather hang out with. He’s off working three hours away today.
2. Bubba: Athletic, gorgeous with personality plus. He’s evil and broncy but at least he’s interesting.
3. My jobs: I get paid (sometimes not enough, but paid) to do things I love.
4. Friends: I have great friends who love me and take great pleasure in harassing me.